
Can you communicate with your canine by virtual means?

Dogs can imitate human actions from two-dimensional video projections, say Hungarian researchers

Women on hospital teams result in better surgery outcomes for patients, study shows

They found that care in hospitals with higher surgery team sex diversity was linked with better post-operative outcomes for patients.

A young whale's hazardous journey through the Mediterranean raises environmental concerns

Threats in the Mediterranean include ship strikes, interactions with fisheries, underwater noise from seismic surveys or military operations, and ingestion of marine debris. 

Forget chopped liver: South Korean scientists convert chicken fat into energy storage devices

Recent efforts to design high-performance storage devices have taken advantage of carbon materials.

Hebrew University study finds zebrafish provides clues to RNA's role in embryo formation

A new study at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (HU) presents insights into mRNA regulation during embryonic development in zebrafish.

  Lightning (illustrative)

Lightning storms accelerating the rate of sea ice melting at the North Pole

Researchers from Tel Aviv University find that a natural phenomenon may be melting

Hebrew University decodes mRNA’s role in embryo formation using zebrafish

Senior author Rabani commented, “Our work opens up new avenues for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying cell fate determination during embryonic development.”

Blood test detects knee osteoarthritis up to eight years before X-rays can

“This is important because it provides more evidence that there are abnormalities in the joint that can be detected by blood biomarkers well before x-rays can detect OA,” Kraus said.

Islamic scholars assess healthcare providers’ capabilities regarding halal pharmaceuticals

A total of 381 healthcare providers in two dozen countries, including five Muslims in Israel, took part in the study.

Netanyahu holocaust

How did starving as youngsters during the Holocaust affect survivors and their descendants?

The risk of falling and having a hip fracture and the prevalence of osteoporosis has been shown to be increased among men and women who lived under the Nazi regime or in a Nazi-occupied country.

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